Goddess Guidebook


A Guidebook written by Leesa | The Gypsy Priestess

My 44 page guidebook offers gentle guidance and wisdom for daily sadhana (the sacred practice of living life with intention) and introduces you to the Goddess Shakti (the Divine Feminine Source of Creative Power throughout the Universe) who dwells within us all. Use it to as a reminder, as a gift and as blessing to awaken and empower you to enter balanced flow and live life with grace as you walk your own unique path of beauty. Each page is thoughtfully written and inspired by the Shakti in me.

May it be a blessing for years to come.

(sneak peek at what's inside) 


What is Sadhana?
Balanced Flow - Grace
A Shakti Goddess Sadhana
Shakti in Practice
Adi Shakti Mantra
Shakti Meditation
Ways to Channel Shakti
Shakti Mudra
Building a Shakti Altar
Shakti Themes
Shakti Symbols
Shakti Affirmation
The Sacred Rite of Allowing
Shakti Ritual

How to Prepare
The Wisdom of Listening
How to Practice Listening
Embodying Shakti
Aligning with the Sacred
Chakras Colour our Days
Reference Resource Charts
Basic Chakra Awareness
The Aura

Energetic Daily Alignment
Sunday - I Know
Monday- I Feel
Tuesday- I Do
Wednesday- I Love
Thursday - I Speak
Friday - I See
Saturday - I Am
Monthly Energy
Seasonal Energy
Other Ways to Attune
Breathe - A Meditation


Infinite blessings & bliss

Available in pdf format for a love offering of any amount. 
Spiral bound copy $25.oo 


This Month

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